Identifying What Needs to be Done in a Project
So ur ce: Mind To o ls (www.mi nd to o l s.c o m /pa g es/ar tic l e/ g ap - an a l ysis. h t m )
This simple tool helps you identify the gap between your
current situation and the future state that you want
to reach, along with the tasks that you need to complete
to close this gap.
To conduct a Gap Analysis for your project, follow these
three steps:
Note: Gap Analysis is useful at the beginning of a
project when developing a business model, and it's
essential when you're identifying the tasks that you
need to complete to deliver your project.
First, identify the objectives that you need to achieve.
This gives you your future state - the "place" where you
want to be once you've completed your project.
Future State
• Increase
attendance to
500 per day.
Next Actions/
For each of your objectives, analyze your current situation.
To do this, consider the following questions:
Who has the knowledge that you need? Who will you need
to speak with to get a good picture of your current
Is the information in people's heads, or is it documented
What's the best way to get this information? By using
brainstorming workshops? Through one-to-one
interviews? By reviewing documents? By observing project
activities such as design workshops? Or in some other way?
Future State
• Increase
attendance to
500 per day.
• Approximately
75 students are
present at any
single time.
Next Actions/
Once you know your future state and your current
situation, you can think about what you need to do to
bridge the gap and reach your project's objectives.
Future State
• Increase Diversity Week
attendance to 500 per
Current Situation
• Approximately 75
students are present at
any single time.
Next Actions/
• Develop an...