

Transitioning from high school to a university can be a big and difficult change for some people and a simple one for others. In my experience, the change from high school to a university was a simple and easy going process. My past eleven weeks here at the University of New Haven have been filled with new, different, and exciting experiences. Going to college is what you make of it. Let’s face it when you go to college you are 1 of two people. You are someone who adjusts easy, is out going, sociable, makes new friends, and has the time of your life. On the other hand you could be the person who has a difficult time adjusting, is shy, doesn’t leave the room, and goes home on the weekends. Within the time that I have been here I have made sure that I came out to be person number one. The person that meets new people, makes friends, goes out, and makes memories that I will never forget. Transitioning from high school to a college entails three major changes in three aspects of your life. Those aspects include your academic studies, social skills, and your emotions. Academics are completely different when going to college compared to high school. First off there are no more 45 minute classes. If you cannot bear to sit for 45 minutes then you will never make it in college where classes range from an hour and thirty minutes to three hours or so longer. Also college includes a lot of reading and when I say a lot I mean A LOT. However I found that the reading more interesting then what they make you read in high school so it is easier to stay focused. Homework is completely different. Say goodbye to the one worksheet a night and say hello to the three page paper Hylwa2 that is due in a week. If anything I found that college is a lot easier than high school when it comes to homework. I feel that you have more time to get the homework done then rushing to get your homework done every single night because it is due the next day. The tests are a lot harder in college and...