Essay 1 Final Draft

Essay 1 Final Draft

Right or Wrong
Who shall decide what is morally right and wrong? Many groups wish they were the one to officially say this is right, this is wrong, but they can’t. No one person truly can, it’s not just one thing it’s a collection of things.
In the nineteenth century, popular philosophy professed that mankind was developing in an upward direction. Man's moral laws were more advanced, as support for democracy and equal rights were beginning to become popular.
However, Friedrich Nietzsche believed that mankind was entering a downward spiral towards complete decadence. Modern man, with its 'advanced' morality, was, in truth, decaying on the inside. Claims of morality merely masked modern man's decay.
Nietzsche believed this to be a form of nihilism* because mankind valued precisely what was halting his advancement. With this in mind, Nietzsche began his bold movement towards the revaluation of all values.
We need a critique of moral values, the value of these values should itself, for once, be examined? [What if] morality itself were to blame if man, as a species, never reached his highest potential power and splendour?

If Nietzsche were alive today I think he would go insane faster than he did in the 1800’s. Today’s society is much more ‘advanced’. Figuring out what basis should we decide what is morally right and morally wrong? We have to ask ourselves who decides morals, a lot say it’s the church, and maybe that’s true for some morals like do not murder, or steal. But a recent one that most were not comfortable with has cracked open a bit. That is, now that men and woman of the same sex can get married. It has taken society decades to release this understanding. It was a sin before now, and in the Bible it states marriage must be between a man and a woman only. Now it’s ok for everyone to marry a man or a woman. That means enough people stood up for this to pass in society. The moral that it’s only okay for men and woman to marry the other has...

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