Essay on student success

Essay on student success

 My chosen program of study is Psychology. In this program you have to have the passion to help people with multiple life challenges that has affected them psychologically. This program I have chosen requires heart, compassion and the excitement of comparing different hypothesis on many characteristics of the human mind. I have known this passion to be a part of my life since I was young. This profession gives me the opportunity to reach those with the feelings of being misunderstood, depressed, anxiety disorders, mental disorders and any issues with not being normal in a community or a society. With the different areas of psychology I get to choose the best interest for me with seeing where my talents will be most useful. Also what individuals would need my expertise to help them with making life easier. I look forward to putting all I have learned into motion with opening my own practice or community center. As I am excelling in my classes I am proud of what I have accomplished along with what I know I will be doing in my future. This program has allowed me to see the differences of humans and how we relate to each other. It opens so many doors as to how we function and what behaviors truly mean. Going to Keiser University has been such a pleasant experience for me; getting to know the teachers and staff, how supportive they are and how willing they are to help you succeed. I am truly blessed to be at such a school. I am very proud of my success thus far, I already hold a 3.5 grade point average with the focus to raise it even higher. I look forward to graduating with honors from the best school with the best education for me. I know I am in the right field of study and I know I am at the right university.

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