

It's a story about a family with two hearing kids - a boy and a girl with two deaf parents and their trials and tribulations at the hands of hearing people and because of misunderstandings due to their inability to communicate with the hearing world and it's misperceptions of deaf people, but also deaf people's misperceptions of hearing people. Although they are quite fluent in their communication with each other in their little family unit. At one point, the little brother dies and the little girl has to act as interpreter for her parents as they make funeral arrangements. She feels embarrassed and ashamed of them. They make some attempt to appear more hearing-like (the dad briefly wears an old fashioned hearing aid, which provides no benefit. But he thinks it will please his daughter and only makes her feel more embarrassed and alienated from her classmates). She is able to escape for brief moments when she befriends a neighborhood storekeeper who has a radio.
It's a story about a family with two hearing kids - a boy and a girl with two deaf parents and their trials and tribulations at the hands of hearing people and because of misunderstandings due to their inability to communicate with the hearing world and it's misperceptions of deaf people, but also deaf people's misperceptions of hearing people. Although they are quite fluent in their communication with each other in their little family unit. At one point, the little brother dies and the little girl has to act as interpreter for her parents as they make funeral arrangements. She feels embarrassed and ashamed of them. They make some attempt to appear more hearing-like (the dad briefly wears an old fashioned hearing aid, which provides no benefit. But he thinks it will please his daughter and only makes her feel more embarrassed and alienated from her classmates). She is able to escape for brief moments when she befriends a neighborhood storekeeper who has a radio.

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