


Administrative Services Manager
Kimberly Lewis
Patten University
Administrative services managers plan, direct, and coordinate supportive services of an organization. Their specific responsibilities vary by the type of organization and may include keeping records, distributing mail, and planning and maintaining facilities.
Administrative Services Manager
There are some quick facts about administrative service managers. The median pay for 2012 was $81,080 per year. That’s about $38.98 per hour. An entry-level education would be a Bachelor’s degree. Work experience in a related occupation would be less than 5 years. You don’t need on the job training. The number of jobs in 2012, was 280,800 and the job outlook from 2012-22 is about as fast as average which is roughly 12 percent and the employment change from 2012-22 is 34,200. Most administrative services managers worked full time in 2012. About one-fourth worked more than 40 hours per week.
How to Become an Administrative Services Manager
A high school diploma or a GED is required for someone to become an administrative services manager. However, administrative services managers typically enter the job with a bachelor’s degree. Administrative service managers need work experience in a related job field. Administrative services managers typically buy store and distribute supplies. They supervise clerical and administrative personnel as well as set goals and deadlines for the department. Administrative service managers develop, manage, and monitor records and recommend changes to policies or procedures in order to improve operation. They plan budgets for contracts, equipment and supplies.
The work of an administrative service manager can make a big difference in employees work and morale. They ensure that the organization honors contracts and follows all government regulations and safety standards. Administrative...

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