ETH 125 UOP Courses/Uophelp

ETH 125 UOP Courses/Uophelp

ETH 125 Entire Course

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ETH 125 Week 1 Appendix A
ETH 125 Week 1 DQ 1 and DQ 2
ETH 125 Week 2 Assignment Harvard IAT
ETH 125 Week 2 Appendix B
ETH 125 Week 2 DQ 1 and DQ 2
ETH 125 Week 3 Assignment Who Am I Presentation
ETH 125 Week 3 Appendix C
ETH 125 Week 3 DQ 1 and DQ 2
ETH 125 Week 4 Appendix D
ETH 125 Week 4 DQ 1 and DQ 2


ETH 125 Week 1 Appendix A

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ETH 125 Week 1 Appendix A


ETH 125 Week 2 Appendix B

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ETH125 Week 2 Individual Assignment Appendix B


ETH 125 Week 2 Assignment Harvard IAT

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Implicit Association Test (IAT)
Complete the Harvard-hosted Implicit Association Test (IAT) using the following instructions.
Each test you choose to take should take about 10 minutes to complete.


ETH 125 Week 3 Appendix C

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ETH 125 Week 3 Appendix C


ETH 125 Week 3 Assignment Who Am I Presentation

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Who Am I?” Presentation
Create and post a presentation (using Microsoft® PowerPoint® or (other presentation software) about your personal background and identity. Attach a separate signed Certificate of Originality.
Identify two or three social categories you identify with that you are comfortable sharing....

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