Exploring Optimisim

Exploring Optimisim

Exploring Optimism

In this paper I will compare and contrast the concepts of optimism and hopefulness. Discuss under what circumstances might optimism be harmful. Define defense pessimism and discuss in what circumstances might that too be harmful.
The first thing we need to know is what is optimism, and hopefulness. Optimism is used to denote a positive attitude or disposition that good things will come. Hopefulness is to desire something with anticipation. Both terms are positive. They are good motivators, We have high hopes of a great successful life, and we are optimistic that it will come true. Being hopeful is the motivators that keep us pushing forward and continue to strive to the best we can be. When we set goals or speak of our future we do it with an optimistic attitude, showing hopefulness and confidence in all that we do. Hopefulness is different than optimism in the way that hope is situation specific. Where as optimism is an overall explanatory style that positive things will occur depending on ones ability. We all posses both, hope begin a learned condition and optimism which is a cognitive one.
Defense pessimism is a strategy used in specific situations to manage fear, anxiety and worry. It is used to prepare one for the worst, setting low expectations, and to be ready for failure. Then this is all used as a strategy to take the necessary steps to avoid it. Where might defense pessimism be beneficial could be preparing for a job interview. Pessimist would spend time in thinking of all that could go wrong setting the stage for the worse, doing so is going to allow for one to relax and focus more on impressing the interviewer. She is relived of the stress that come along with the anticipation, fear and worry that she might not get the job, because she has not set her expectations to be successful.

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