Expository Essay: Does Television Promote Crime in the Community?

Expository Essay: Does Television Promote Crime in the Community?

Television is normally a source of entertainment, but sometimes it does promote crime, and I agree. Some people think it’s completely the opposite, and that television is good. In my essay, I will deal with influences first, then children, and finally, adverts.
Television is one the strongest influences in some people’s lives. Because, when you see criminals getting hauled off by the police, they have most likely gotten their ideas to commit crimes off the T.V. When celebrities make mistakes and commit crimes, they not only ruin their career, but also people who count them as role models think that whatever they do is right. So they commit crimes they most likely know is wrong. It’s not just actors who influence people, but on programs like Police 10 7, they show the police chasing criminals. Some of them don’t get caught, and it gives people the idea that they can commit crimes and not get punished for it. Of course, there are many criminals who do get caught, but people ignore the risks. It’s not just in real-life programs though. Even in fictional programs, they show violence. But it’s only acting, and people need to realise that.
It’s not only adults, but children nowadays watch a lot of TV programs. Unfortunately, some of them are inappropriate for their age. Ignorant parents might think that cartoons are always suitable for children, and so they don’t look into it. But shows like Tom and Jerry, The Simpsons and Happy Tree Friends, which have lots of comedy violence, aren’t good for younger children to watch. When those children grow up watching TV shows like the ones stated, it gets into their head that what those programs show is right.
However, advertisements are another problem. They can also influence people, and not necessarily in a good way. Drinking ads are put on TV to show how drinking can mess up their lives, but some people might ignore that, and see how much fun they’re having. When they bend to those influences and copy the actions in those...

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