fate vs free will

fate vs free will

Fate versus Free Will
Today people think that they do what they want, when they want; so therefore they think they are acting by their own free will. Is that really the case though? No, little do we know we are motivated by fate. Everything that we are meant to do will get done. The higher power. God, has a plan for all of us. He will not put you through something that he does not feel like you need to experience to make you a better person. It is out fate to do certain things and to experience certain things. In the story Oedipus Rex, Oedipus has motivated and acted because of his fate. He did not realize it for majority of the story because he was running from it and that is exactly what ran him into his fate. That is what we all do; try to run from our not realizing we are running in circles.
In the story Oedipus was told that he would sleep with his mother and kill his father. Oedipus basically ran away from what he thought was his home and decided never to look back because of his prophecy. He was adopted and his prophecy still did come true. He did end up killing his father and sleeping and marrying his mother. Oedipus tried so hard to get away from his fate when it was really waiting for him around the corner. We all try to get out of doing something, when we know in reality it would get done. We are always running away from someone or something when they or it will never go away. It was meant for it to happen. A certain someone is in your life because they are there to either teach you a lesson or your soul mate. It is all written in the stars for you.
We never like to believe the truth when the truth was their all along. Our fate comes for us and we know it we just never want to believe it. Humans are so ignorant and think they know it all when really they do not. We think we know if we are supposed to be in a certain situation or with a certain person. No, you do not. We ask for the truth then half of the time cannot accept it. For example,...

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