Fundamental Decencies

Fundamental Decencies

New Understandings
Nick: Dad, lately I’ve been pondering over something what you once told me.
Father: What is that?
Nick: Well it was that “a sense of fund-…”
Father: Ah! Yes, a sense of fundamental decencies is parceled out unequally at birth.”
Nick: Exactly that.
Father: If that’s the case, why is that you now thinking about it?
Nick: I’ve been putting some thought into it and there points at which I just do not care about the judgments of others and as well as the judgment I set upon people.
Father: You must realize that everyone should have respectable behavior and that…
Nick: That everyone does not have the same type of behavior, I know.
Father: Then you understand its meaning?
Nick: I do but ever since I came back from the East I’ve wanted nothing more than for everyone to be set as equal, no matter what views differentiate among people.
Father: Everyone expresses their views in different manners son.
Nick: But it is the way in which they are conveyed, similar to that of the previous person trying to show another that their perspective is the right one and that is why I simply do not care what lies inside another person’s heart.
Father: But…
Nick: No father it is exactly that.
Father: There must be some exception that you have toward this?
Nick: I’ve only known one person whom has ever possessed any type of quality I exempt. His name is Gatsby, who in any other person I would scorn but there is just something about him that leaves me with some type of hopefulness in people.
Father: Then, there you have it, there’s no need for us to stipulate the matter any longer, for you have a new profound view of my old saying.
Nick: That is true, I hope you understand that I…
Father: I do.

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