Future of Creative Commons

Future of Creative Commons

the future of
Realizing the value of sharing in a digital world


Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and
expression; this right includes freedom to ... seek, receive
and impart information and ideas through any media and
regardless of frontiers.
—— Article 19, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Everyone has the right to freely participate in the cultural
life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in
scientific advancement and its benefits.
Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and
material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or
artistic production of which he is the author.
—— Article 27, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Online media platforms have been key to
expanding both the breadth and depth
of material available under Creative
Commons licenses. Today, there are over
200 million CC-licensed photos on Flickr
and four million CC-licensed YouTube
videos. Platforms like these are where
many people first encounter Creative
Commons licenses and learn how to
reuse and remix CC-licensed content.

Creative Commons empowers people and institutions to
share their creative, scholarly, and other knowledge assets.
Our technical tools and legal standards make it possible
for educators, artists, bloggers, musicians, and institutions
to give permission for their works to be copied, collaged,
curated, and redistributed while giving credit to the creator.
Sharing and reuse of CC-licensed work happens on some
of the world’s most popular platforms for user-generated
content and across a range of prominent institutions.
Creative Commons has thus helped grow a public
commons of knowledge and culture.

Gottlieb Jazz Photos, Library of Congress
CCØ 1.0

Our vision is nothing less than
realizing the full potential of
the Internet — universal access

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