Gay Is OK

Gay Is OK

The Good Samaritan

The Good Samaritan
In “The Good Samaritan“, a man gets beaten up by robbers and left on the side of the road. A priest sees the man and walks over to the other side of the road and walks passed the man and does nothing to help him. Then a Levite sees the man and crosses over to the opposite side of the road and walks passed the injured man and, like the priest does nothing to help the man. Then a Samaritan sees the beaten up man and he goes to the man and he helps the man walk and then he gives the man his animal to ride on and brings him to an inn and pays for the man to stay there. He also tells the innkeeper that if it is not enough money he will come by with more later. The good Samaritan shows a lot of compassion towards the beaten up man by helping recover and finding him shelter and paying for it with his own money. Jesus could be imagine as two different characters in this story. The man beaten up by the robbers or the good Samaritan that helps the injured man recover.
The character from the parable “The Good Samaritan” that I think I relate to most is truthfully probably one of the people who walk by the man who is beaten up. Because if I ever saw a man who was beaten up on the side of the road in real life I would probably walk by him. Just like the priest, I would probably be with other people at the time or going somewhere or running late for something. Just like the Levite, I would probably not want to touch him because he may look dirty and unclean. Also if the man was beaten up badly, I’m scared of blood and bleeding people. The priest could have been running late for something that he needed to be ‘clean’ for so that could have been a reason he walked by the man. I also think a reason that I would have crossed to the other side would be you could just not look at the man anymore and pretend you see him and that what you are doing is right. You may think that ‘Oh! The next person will help them.’ to make an...

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