Global Warming: Timeline

Global Warming: Timeline

  • Submitted By: a111
  • Date Submitted: 05/10/2009 3:11 PM
  • Category: Science
  • Words: 1807
  • Page: 8
  • Views: 619

Global Warming
There is little doubt that the planet is warming. Over the last century, the planets temperature has risen by around 1 degree fahrenheit (0.6 of a degree celsius). The warmest since the mid 1800’s was the 1990s. The United Nations panel on climate change projects that the global temperatures will rise 3-10 degrees fahrenheit by the century’s end - enough to have the polar caps all but melted. Trees, when fully grown, will help keep the planet cooler.
There is currently no evidence that man has made any significant contribution to climate change.

2. During the medieval warm period (820 1040 AD), Greenland supported farming. 4. The earth has been warming for the last 18,000 years, since the last major glacier time period. climate disasters (hurricanes, cyclones, etc) have never been scientifically linked to global warming (whether natural or man made).
Global Warming
How much can you really do to reduce your carbon footprint?
Cars, for instance. Michael Crichton has doubts about global warming anyway.
Global Warming: The Anatomy of a Debate
A continued increase in the emission of greenhouse gases will increase global temperature.
An increase in average temperature will generate more costs than benefits.
Emissions controls are the most efficient means to prevent an increase in global temperature.
Early measures to control emissions are superior to later measures.
Controlling emissions is compatible with a modern economy.
The case for a global warming treaty, which depends on the accuracy of all those statements, is shockingly weak. A Continued Increase in the Emission of Greenhouse Gases Will Increase Global Temperature
Here’s what the data say, about which there is little debate; ground-based temperatures stations indicate that the planet has warmed somewhere between .3 and .6...

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