

Does Hershey’s use process manufacturing or assembly process? Is the production of Hershey’s chocolate an intermittent or continuous production Process? Justify your answers.
Hershey’s use both process manufacturing and assembly process to produce and manufacture their products. Process manufacturing is used during the chocolate creation phase by combining various ingredients together, such as coca beans, milk and sugar, that cannot be disassembled back into their original components. The assembly process is used when different components are combined together such as chocolate and almonds to make a Hershey’s candy bar with almonds, or chocolate and peanut butter to make Reese’s Peanut Cups, which is then followed by automated packing process.
2. What location factor might go into the selection of a manufacturing site for Hershey’s Chocolate?
Many factors must be taken in consideration when selecting a manufacturing site location for Hershey’s. Competent planning, research, and organizing must take place in order to effectively produce and ship their wide variety of products. Their plant must be located in a area that has a lot of space that is large enough to house the factory and its huge production machines. It must be in an area that is located near major highways, railroads, airports, and seaports in order to receive the overseas shipment of cocoa beans from far away countries and to have various avenues to ship their products domestically and internationally based on consumer demands. It must be in a populated region where there is a large pool of individuals with the necessary skillset to fully staff and operate the facility. As milk is a...

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