HRM 595 Full Course Project

HRM 595 Full Course Project

HRM 595 Full Course Project

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Course Project: Negotiation Analysis Paper
The purpose of the negotiation analysis paper is to help you transfer the negotiation concepts from the course to negotiations in your own organization. I would like you to use concepts learned in the course to analyze a negotiation situation. The negotiation may be one that has recently concluded or one that you are in the midst of. It may be a negotiation between organizations or within an organization. It may be a dyadic negotiation or one with multiple parties. It may be a situation of chronic conflict. It also may be a negotiation in which you observed and are familiar with the parties to the negotiations in order to conduct an analysis.
Paper (due in Week 7) must conform to APA format and be 13–15 pages in length, not including the title page, abstract and references. Spend no more than three pages describing the situation. Negotiation should be complex enough to challenge your analytic skills. Topic proposal due in Week 3 (one page).
Week 3 - The proposed topic for the project paper is due in Week 3 (20 points). The proposal should be an explanation of the chosen negotiation topic, the parties to the negotiation, and proposed areas of analysis including negotiation strategies and tactics used. The proposal should be one page. Week 7 - Final completed paper is due (130 points)
Grading Rubrics
Total Points - 130
Criteria for Evaluating Written Assignments
Meets Expectations
Partially Meets Expectations
Fails to Meet Expectations
Points Earned
Intellectual Understanding
(20 Points)
Addresses all aspects of assignment in sufficient depth
Addresses most aspects of assignment in sufficient depth
Does not address most aspects of assignment and/or fails to do so in sufficient depth

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