HTT 230 UOP Course/Shoptutorial

HTT 230 UOP Course/Shoptutorial

HTT 230 Capstone Question

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HTT 230 Capstone Question


HTT 230 Final Part 1 Of 2

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Hotel Consultation
Review the Final Project Scenario in Appendix A.
Develop a 1,400- to 1,750- word paper using Appendixes A and C as your guide. Address the following in your paper:
Compare the Dreschler Hotel to the competing hotels listed in the Trend Report in Appendix C. Identify any issues that may be affecting how the Dreschler Hotel is performing.
Describe two potential improvements or additions to the property described in Appendix C that may help increase business and overall profit.
Identify the funding options available to you, assuming there is no working capital to put toward these projects.
Explain two benefits and one disadvantage of converting the property into any one of the following financial schemes: timeshare, condominium, or mixed-use.
Choose a new name for the hotel to reflect the upgraded features that have been identified in this project


HTT 230 Week 2 Assignment Rosabella, Canyon Hotel
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Read the Rosabella Concept Check on p. 48 and the Canyon Hotel Concept on pp. 49–52 of the text.
Write a 350- to 700-word response addressing the following questions:
Questions 1–3 on p. 49
Questions 2 & 3 on p. 52...

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