

Even through my entire life I have done all my recreational activities indoors except for one exhilarating experience; zip lining through the Appellation Mountains of North Carolina. My dad wanted to go on vacation to see where he came from. Family from all over the United States met at a cabin on top of the mountain, where some of my grandmother’s family stills lives. In the cabin there was twenty-seven of us, we stayed there for two weeks, exploring the great lands of our ancestors and family. My Aunt Donna, her son David, and I were the only ones that went zip lining that day. It was nice because I usually get to see my cousin and aunt about once a year, so experience brought us closer together.
I could hardly sleep with the anticipation of the next morning. I woke up extra early to make sure I was ready to go. My aunt said,” If you are not ready and in the car at seven I am leaving without you.” There was no way I was going to miss this for anything. I could barely eat anything I was so over joyed and nervous about the trip. Finally the time arrived to pile in to the car that morning for our grand adventure. The drive to get to get to Highlands Aerial Park was over an hour in a half. Funny thing, on the map it was only forty-five minutes away. Our cabin was so high up in the mountains, it took at least forty-five minutes to just get down the mountain to go anywhere! My heart was pounding with excitement. I just could not wait! Forty-five minutes of twists and turns. Looking down off the edge of the cliff was scary as we drove down. It looked like we were only a few inches from plummeting to our death. One of my fondest memories of the car ride was how we would sing all of our favorite country songs together.
As we arrive at are destination, I started the usual paper work stating I wouldn’t sue if I got injured or accidently died. The instructors then gave us instructions about the signals we had to look for as we zipped across the mountain. The signals...