In Search of the Lost City of Gold

In Search of the Lost City of Gold

This story is one that changed all of our lives. It all started one winter me and my friends were all hanging out at my house and my father was telling us a story about Eldorado. Eldorado is known as the lost city of gold in Guyana which is where my parents are from. After the story me and my friends had been talking about how none of us had anything to do this summer and how bored we would be. Then all of a sudden my friend Mia suggested that we take a trip together this summer all of us thought it was a great Idea but the problem was where we would go. We decided to think about it about and make a decision. Now that the permission was granted we needed to find a way to raise some extra money for the trip. My friend Miley decided that since she was an aspiring fashion designer that she would make and sell t-shirts at school. Mia and I got a part time job at the town book store and my other friend Demi got her uncle to give her some money. We were so excited that we would actually get to go to another country and finally make use of our passports. I decided to purchase a video camera in case we really found the city of gold who knows if we did we might become famous and I know people will actually want to see footage. Of course the camera wasn’t only for the city I also wanted to get the footage of the Ecosystem I was about Embark on for the first time an ecosystem is a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their environment. I also wrote a brief description of the biome we were in which is the tropical rainforest. In the forest it is very humid and hot it is called the tropical rainforest because tropical means close to the equator. When we were finished with the tour they told us that they knew the old man that knew of the city of gold. But they did not where exactly he was. So they told us that they knew where we could find his son. They said that they were positive that his son would know where his father is being kept. So once...

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