Individual Appearence

Individual Appearence

Dessie Cobb
Eng 099
How The Appearance Can Affect You
An individual’s self-esteem is important when it comes to his or her appearance. No matter if someone’s self-esteem is high or low, appearance can change this. Sometime’s “self identification can be problematic,” as said by Sam Dover, and this can affect someone’s body image. Low self-esteem can be caused by many things, such as obesity and this can also go the other way around. Being obese is can affect your self-esteem by making an individual feel like they are constantly being talked about because of their weight. Being poor can also contribute to self-esteem. Poor people have a hard time affording nice clothing and this can be problematic. If a person cannot afford to look good, he or she stops caring about their appearance.
Another way an individual’s appearance can affect their life is by determining their success in the job market. In today’s workplace, an employee's physical appearance can have a powerful influence on job success, yet for the most part, employees have no protection from appearance-based discrimination unless workers are singled out based on their race, gender or age. When trying to get a job, first impression is usually a big part of an interview. The first thing an employer looks at when an individual comes in for an interview is how well they are dressed. You shouldn’t expect to get hired if you are going into an interview with a ripped shirt and blue jeans that look as if they are about to fall off. An individual’s appearance, most of the time, determines how interested the employer will be.
Even though an in appearance is not the most important thing, it still influences some things in your life. Whether it is your self-esteem or just trying to find that special one, your personal appearance has a lot to do with your interaction with yourself and others. Wanting to improve your appearance can be hard, but can be worth the while. The only problem with that...

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