

University of Phoenix Material

Jainism vs. Sikhism

Part I

Read the assigned chapters for the week and complete the following table. Be as specific as possible when identifying practices, beliefs, rituals, and historical elements. Cite sources in APA formatting.

Core Beliefs

1. Ahimsa- non violence the principle of non injury no one has the right to take the life of another and killing of animals is a great sin
1.equality- all humans are equal before God no discrimination is allowed

2.Asteya- non stealing one should be honest and not steal or rob doesn’t allow one to take a thing that may be lying unattended or unclaimed
2.personal right- every person has a right to life but the right is restricted and certain duties attatched simple living is essential

3.Brahmarcharya-celibacy this includes thinking about sex as well as physically restraining
3.actions count- salvation is obtained by ones actions

4.Apigraha-non acquisition belief that more that a man posseses worldly things the more unhappy he will be attatchment to wordly things results in bondage to the cycle of birth death rebirth
4.sharing- share and give ten percent of ones net worth to charity

5.Anekantavada-relativity not being absolute in ones point of view seeing the truth from many points of view
5.the four fruits of life- truth contentment contemplation and Naam (in the name of God)

Part 2

Respond to the following questions in 150 to 200 words:

1. What do you think is the most important similarity and which is the most important difference? Use specifics to support your answer. The most important difference is that Sikhism is a monotheistic religion. They have a belief in a God and that that God is their way to salvation. Jainism doesn’t believe in a god to gain salvation, they believe that their salvation comes from their daily actions.

2. Consider the following statement: Sallekhana (“holy death”) violates the Jain...

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