job decrisption

job decrisption

Job Description
I would like to write about Dental Assistant job description. “A job description indentifies characteristics of the job to be performed in terms of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities to be fulfilled job description serve as a standard or a benchmark for many HR matters such as compensation, performance evaluation, training needs assessments, and promotions.” (Youssef 2.1) I would like to describe the tasks, tools and technology, knowledge, skills and abilities, educational requirements I needed to become a dental assistant and two method; resume and interview, which led me to this job.
Applying for job steps:
Resume (listing skills, educational requirement, skills and abilities) >Interview (knowledge of tools and technology) = HIRED!
First, applying for dental assistant I needed to build up my resume with all of my experience. There are different types of dental assistants and each has their own requirement. As for me I was Endodontic dental assistant, for that I was required to finish dental assisting course from accelerated dental assistant school. Most dentists prefer that assistants have some experience before they start job but for newly graduated from dental assisting school, I had to go for 4 weeks of internship so I could get basic knowledge of handling the tools and the use them.
There are two main software that dentists use and it’s highly recommended for the dental assisting job, the dental assistant (DA) should at least know one of the software. Dentsoft is most widespread one and I learned it DA school. It’s basic technology used in dental office to file treatment of each patient and insurance claims. It should be listed in resume so the employer knows that the DA applying for the job has experience with this technology and the time amount she/he has worked with it.
After the first step, this is to apply for dental assistant job by giving out employers resume. Resume includes experience, skills, and knowledge the...

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