journal 3

journal 3

Which of the following statements regarding muscle fibers is false?
Training usually converts one type of muscle fiber into another.
The term anaerobic means
without O2
Which of the following statements regarding fast-twitch muscles is false?
Fast-twitch muscles produce more ATP per glucose than slow-twitch muscles.
Which of the following statements regarding photosynthesis and cellular respiration is true?
Photosynthesis occurs in chloroplasts, and cellular respiration occurs in mitochondria.
How do cells capture the energy released by cellular respiration?
They produce ATP
The procedures of photosynthesis and cellular respiration are complementary. During these energy conversions some energy is?
Lost in the form of heat
Respiration_________and cellular respiration_______
is gas exchange.....produces ATP
Which of the following are products of cellular respiration?
energy to make ATP and carbon dioxide
which of the following statements regarding cellular respiration is false?
Cellular respiration is a single chemical reaction with just one step.
The overall equation for the cellular respiration of glucose is
which of the following statements about the energy yields from cellular respiration is true?
Cellular respiration is more efficient at harnessing energy from glucose than car engines are at harnessing energy for gasoline
Humans use the calories they obtain from_____as their source of energy.
Humans use about ____of their daily calories for involuntary life sustaining activities such as digestion, circulation and breathing.
A Kilocalorie is defined as
the quantity of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1kg of water by 1C
The label on the box of breakfast cereal lists one serving as containing 200 calories per serving. How many calories are actually in one serving?

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