

1. Gender has been defined as the social construction of maleness/masculinity and femaleness/femininity. Discuss the significant of gender in understanding the human experience.
The word Gender has many meanings to it “..But the word has a much longer history. Various dictionaries offer the earlier meanings of the word. First, it is a grammatical term used to categorize nouns as male, female or neuter. Interestingly, the Collins dictionary stares that this can be actual or ascribed…” (Bradley, What's in a Name? Meanings and usage of Gender, 2013). The term Gender distinguishes the social and/or cultural aspects of maleness and femaleness (Phyllis Herda, personal communication. 30 July 2014). Gender is significant in understanding the human experience because it helps us understand society and the norms it carries and other aspects. It also illustrates the social structure and socialization we surround our self with and try fit into. We perform Gender daily without realizing it. It has become natural for everyone because we have been taught it from a young age or others that have chosen “to disalign their gender and sexuality from their genitals and bodily characters e.g. Trans, gay and lesbian” (Bradley, What's in a Name? Meanings and usage of Gender, 2013). The human experience can be seen as everyday life; the lived experienced of ordinary people –whatever their culture (Phyllis Herda, personal communication. 30 July 2014). In saying that everyday life is based around the meanings of values and traits in culture each individual belongs to. This leads to socialization where we perform what is appropriate to a particular society. Here we are performing gender because we have to act in a certain way even though it is not consider a norm or being femaleness if a female vice versa for male. Gender also portrays the social structures that exist in society and how it affects human experience.

2. Discuss the idea of a ‘normal body’. What is meant by it? How is...