

Which association is correct? (Points : 1)
cognition; thoughts
affectation; actions
conation: feelings
Yours is not the first generation to be affected by technological breakthroughs. The mobility provided by the invention of the wheel, the scheduling of life after the invention of the clock, and the rapid spread of information made possible by the invention of the printing press—all of these resulted in major changes in societal interaction. Virtually each new technology has altered the manner in which people live, connect, and interact. In this way, the age of digital technology is similar to other periods of technological advancement.

It, too, requires society to adjust to its effects—increased pace of communication, increased availability of information, increased proximity to one another. However, the age of digital technology is also different, because unlike other technological inventions, digital technology is available to virtually everyone. This accessibility has allowed digital technology to strongly affect how we learn.

The Effects of Digital Technology on Learning
You know well the role that digital technology plays in your life. Digital technology records you, connects you, and speeds the pace of your life transactions. As a result, you "feel" the effects of living in the digital age. Interestingly, what you are experiencing is not a new phenomenon. Centuries ago, the Roman philosopher Seneca "felt so burdened by the connectedness of his own time and the crazy pace of life in ancient Rome that he suffered from, and these are Seneca's words, 'The restless energy of a hunted mind'" (Powers, 2010, p. 111).

Centuries later, the digital age has ushered in a compounding of the restless mind syndrome as we chatter away on our iPhones, with "our right index fingers poised over the mouse, just itching to click on something new every few seconds" (Simmons-Duffin, 2010). It is in this context of 24/7 connectedness that...