Knowing William Shakespeare

Knowing William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare is considered one of the greater playwrights in history ( Now in days his work is remodel into modern plots. It wrote Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth and the most important one Hamlet. These are not the only books that he has writing he got many more. Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564. He wrote Hamlet between 1600-1602 he was about 36 to 38 years old (
Shakespeare got married to Anne Hathaway in November 28, 1582. They had three children’s together; Susannah, twins Judith and Hamnet ( Many people really don’t know why he wrote Hamlet. Many Critics said the he wrote Hamlet because in 1596 his younger son died of unknown causes ( They really did not really tell me why but I believe the he wrote of the pain of losing his son. I can see that because he put the title of the book Hamlet just like his son Hamnet.
Shakespeare was a well rounded man. He attended the grammar school in Stratford ( No one really knows how long he lasted there, but he drop out. He was also a really wear man because he disappear after his twins was born. He left no record way he when. He left for seven years, they call this his lost years ( After he came back he was working as a play writer and actor in the Lord Chamberlains men. This company was the most successful play wring company at the time (
Shakespeare work was so amassing the now his play is still in motion. English teachers now days use his work as example of poetry and good stories. His plots were not so unique it was the language the he use to put the setting and emotion of the character ( For Example this quote from Hamlet Ophelia, Act I, scene 3 “Do not, as some ungracious pastors do, Show me the steep and thorny way to heaven, Whiles, like a puff'd and reckless libertine, Himself the primrose path of dalliance treads. And recks not his own rede” (

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