LAW 531(NEW) Tutor Tutorials/law531tutordotcom

LAW 531(NEW) Tutor Tutorials/law531tutordotcom

LAW 531 Final Exam Guide (New)

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1. What defense can an employer use to a charge of sexual harassment?
The harassed employee was not made aware of the company’s antiharassment policies.
The harassed employee took advantage of the preventive measures provided by the company but still could not avoid being harassed.
The employer does not have any complaint mechanisms for employees who are harassed.
The employer used reasonable care to prevent and correct the sexually harassing behavior.
2. Choose the correct statement about the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
It is exclusively created to regulate air pollution standards.
It has the power to initiate judicial trials in case of violation of environmental laws.
It does not enforce environmental laws related to the protection of wetlands.
It can enforce federal environmental regulations but cannot make regulations on its own.
3. What is “riba” in the context of Islamic law?
It is a compilation of decisions of the prophet.
It refers to the making of unearned profits.
It is the doctrine of proper behavior.
It refers to independent reasoning.
4. The state of Oriel, Selenasia, enacts a law that imposes a 40 percent tax on automobiles that are made outside of Selenasia and sold in the state. However, Oriel does not impose this tax on Selenasian-made automobiles that are sold in Oriel. This scenario resembles a violation of which clause of the U.S. Constitution?
The Multilateral Treaty Clause
The Bilateral Treaty Clause
The Foreign Commerce Clause
The Treaty Clause
5. Teledor Inc. and Comunika Inc. are two competing cellphone manufacturers. Jane, a customer at Teledor, is told by an employee that Comunika phones have weak battery back-up and are very prone to damage. The employee makes these remarks even though he knows that they are completely false. Jane, who has been contemplating between Teledor and Comunika, is influenced by what she...

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