Life,Decisions and death

Life,Decisions and death

I woke up today feeling something unusual as if today was my last day anyways, I went to brush my teeth and get a shower but whenever I turn my face away from the mirror I feel that someone is looking at me and that really freaks me out because I’m the only one home, I think I’m just bluffing or my imagination is just going crazy. I get dressed grab my car keys, laptop and wallet to go to work. On the road I find out their fixing the asphalt and they made detours which may be good for me or possibly bad because the last thing I would want is getting stuck in traffic. I’m halfway there to work due to the detours I passed by a cemetery which my day even creepier finally I arrived to my office’s building I went to the elevator area I saw one closing I rushed to get in and after getting in I saw a guy wearing the exact same clothes that I am wearing I could’ve swore that it’s a mirror but It wasn’t I greeted him and he repeated the exact thing I said and then I clicked the button to go up to the 7 floor. On the way up the elevator got stuck between the 3rd and 4th floor I thought it was a slight problem and it will probably just go back to normal but no it stayed the way it is. I sat down trying to get a signal so I can call for help but there not a single way to call for help and what made the situation creepier is the guy next to me is doing the same thing that I doing. After 24 minutes have passed the elevator made squeaking sounds then it suddenly fell rapidly then it rushed up to go exactly where we stood but the floor was decaying and what was left the steel frame and in the depths I saw a huge black snake with its mouth wide open ready to swallow anything that falls in its mouth and the roof of the elevator decayed too only the frame and the ropes appeared and on the ropes were two huge rats one was white and one was black they were munching on the ropes like crazy and all the openings of the floors were closed except the 7th and a lion was peaking from it. I...

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