Major Ideas of Enlightenment

Major Ideas of Enlightenment

13. Enlightenment and Modern ideas
#1. Renaissance Background
#2. Major Ideas of Enlightenment: Kant, Rousseau
#3. Spread of Enlightenment outside Europe
#4. Rise of socialist ideas (to Marx)

14. Origins of Modern Politics
#1. European States System
#2. American Revolution and the Constitution.
#3. French revolution and after math, 1789-1815.
#4. British Democratic Politics, 1815-1850; Parliamentary Reformers, Free Traders, chartists.

15. Industriatization
#1. English Industrial Revolution: Causes and Impact on Society
#2. Industrialization in other countries: USA, Germany, Russia, Japan
#3. Socialist Industrialization: Soviet and Chinese.

16. Nation-State System
#1. Rise of Nationalism in 19th century
#2. Nationalism : state-building in Germany and Italy
#3. Disintegration of Empires through the emergence of nationalities.

17. Imperialism and Colonialism
#1. Colonial System (Exploitation of New World, Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, Tribute from Asian Conquests)
#2. Types of Empire: of settlement and non-settlement: Latin America, South Africa, Indonesia, Australia.
#3. Imperialism and Free Trade: The New Imperialism

18. Revolution and Counter-Revolution
#1. 19th Century European revolutions
#2. The Russian Revolution of 1917-1921
#3. Fascist Counter-Revolution, Italy and Germany.
#4. The Chinese Revolution of 1949

19. World Wars
#1. 1st and 2nd World Wars as Total Wars: Societal Implications
#2. World War I : Causes and Consequences
#3. World War II : Political Consequence
20. Cold War

#1. Emergence of Two Blocs
#2. Integration of West Europe and US Strategy; Communist East Europe
#3. Emergence of Third World and Non-Alignment
#4. UN and Dispute Resolution

21. Colonial Liberation
#1. Latin America-Bolivar
#2. Arab World-Egypt
#3. Africa-Apartheid to Democracy
#4. South-East Asia-Vietnam

22. Decolonization and Underdevelopment
#1. Decolonization: Break up of...

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