Marie Antionette

Marie Antionette

Marie Antoinette

Actually I don't know why I choosed Marie Antoinette for my essay. The name just came into my head when we were given the assignment. Maybe her story caught me when we studied the French Revolution. It's interesting how a child of fortune, who got it all can loose it just as fast. It’s like a soapopera you watch on tv, with all the lies, gossip and murder.

The queen that danced while the people starved, who spent furtunes on clothes and jewels without a taught of her peoples hunger and distress.
Such is the view of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, wife of King Louis XVI.
Marie Antionette was born in 1755, Vienna, Austria. The 15th and favorite daughter of Marie Thérèse, Empress of Austria. One of Marie Thérèses many accomplishments was her ability to marry all her children in ways strategic to the Austrian empire. Of course she had to arrange something special to her favorite daughter; what about the greatest throne in all Europe?
So, at the age of fourteen Marie Antoinette was to leave Austria to marry one year older crown prince Louis XVI of France. One year later, the marriage cermony was held.
Her extravagant life reached it's top when the old King Louis XV died in 1774, and her husband became King Louis XVI. Marie Antoinette, still a teenager became Queen of France. But Marie Antoinette was not happy in her marriage, King Louis was boring and pretty much her opposite. Marie was bored with her position and its duties. The days of the young princess and then queen were spent in court rituals and strict etiquette tracing. But soon she found an escape. Marie Antionette started to exercise her power as a queen, she started to spend less time at court and more time with a new group of friends, led by Yolande de Polignac and Thérèse de Lamballe. With her circle of friends, Marie Antoinette threw herself into a life of pleasure and casuall extravagance. Including masked balls in Paris, gambling, theatricals and late night promenades in...

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