

Legalization of Marijuana
Drugs are a major debate it the world we live in today. Drugs are gaining more and more attention. More and more people are using drugs than ever before and there is no decrease in the amount of drug users. One of the most commonly used drugs is marijuana. In today’s world marijuana is growing and is legalized in California for medical uses only but I think that can do no harm to anyone except help and keep people off the streets from selling weed there going to just go in the store and buy it
Research has been published in favor of legalizing marijuana. The legalization of marijuana is a political issue that has continued to surface for decades. There is countrywide support lobbying for reinstating the right to use this natural product. A large majority of this country's population refuses to accept the United States government’s decision to prohibit citizens from enjoying the benefits that this organically grown herb provides. In my paper I will research and have knowledge on the legalization and political issues about marijuana. In my opinion I think marijuana should very well be legal because there really isn’t a reason on why it should not , no one on earth has ever died or anything from smoking too much weed or anything. If they legalized marijuana society would be so much better its proven that if you smoke marijuana you do not commit violent crimes. For example in Colorado , there was a marijuana shopped that recently just opened because it’s legal there. They made over 1 million dollars in one day! They doctors even prescribe medical marijuana to people like it is over the counter drug or something so apparently it does something good for you. Also the government spends thousands of dollars each year just to put people in jail for something so little as that. I understand that it is only a misdemeanor but it shouldn’t be anything. I once had to get drug tested for a job at Busch gardens but I was nervous because I am a...

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