Situation analysis
Ramsey 24 hour Fitness center is entering their third year of business. The business model has worked beautifully and marketing is especially important to maintain growth and market penetration. In addition to offering fitness facilities for New Jersey corporations, Ramsey Fitness’ main activity is the creation and implementation of wellness programs. The basic market need is the reduction of corporate costs and the increase in employee efficiency that can be achieved through long-term wellness programs.
Market Needs
Ramsey 24 hour Fitness is will provide their customers with a health care cost management program for their employees, this will help increase their productivity and in the long run it will decrease some health insurance business cost. Our fitness center is looking to fulfill the following benefits that are important to their customers:
Customization- Ramsey Fitness will offer a totally customized solution for each company as well as each employee within the company.
Convenience- Customers will not use the service if it is not convenient. Our fitness center recognizes this and strives to make their services as convenient as possible for the targeted customer groups.
Results-orientated strategy- Ramsey fitness will need to improve a company's bottom line in order to attract and maintain customers. We will strive to address all of the customer’s needs; the reality is that they must indeed provide significant value for the companies themselves in order to grow their market share.
SWOT Analysis
The following SWOT analysis captures the key strengths and weaknesses within the company, and describes the opportunities and threats facing CF.
* Results-orientated approach to attracting and maintaining customers.
* A well-researched, detailed health wellness program that is long-term in focus.
* Intensively trained staff.
* Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
* High costs...