Mate Guarding

Mate Guarding

Tran, David
Anth. 315-01
Due: 11//2014
Title Must Reflect the Content of Your Paper

The journal that I have chosen to write about is on mate guarding in regards to the bar fight. For recap, the things that led up to this even were mainly due to me and Sarah dating. The situation was that I and Sarah were at a bar with a few of our friends. A few of my friends left to the go do something else leaving me and Sarah alone. Some guy came up to Sarah to which he started making attempts to hit on her in the hopes of sleeping with her at the end of the night. It got to the point where he started to sexually touch Sarah. I got up and got into a confrontation with him which led to a fight. The fight ended with him on the ground and me beating him to a pulp. The reason I did this was out of jealously that he would take Sarah away from me since we were just dating at the time but eventually we ended up together. That jealously led to anger which led to violence. Studies show that “men were more distressed by opposite-sex infidelity” (Hughes et. al 2004).
This situation is adaptive for many reasons. The first reason is that it allows me to survive. The fight proved that I am big in which I was able to overcome my competitor and be victorious in physical competition. “Under such severe physical competition, only big and tall males can emerge victorious and get mating opportunities” (Miller and Kanazawa 1999:87). If a male is victorious in physical battle it can help him survive because he knows is his physically fit to win fights. It also scares off many other men trying to pose a threat. This helps me survive because now I know that I am big enough to survive in most fights that I encounter. It also shows most men not to attempt to confront me let alone attempt to mate poach. The second reason is that it helps attract other potential mates. In the world of mating, “females prefer to mate with big and tall males who can provide better physical...

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