My Life

My Life

There are many obstacles in my life, but failure is the most challenging to overcome. I fear to fail at everything I do. I always talk myself out of everything I do. It would take me days of thinking and talking to my mother and sister before I can make a decision. Always feeling like I can’t accomplish my goals, make me feel worthless. Fear to fail has left me lost and trying to find my way. I always talk about becoming a RN, but deep down I’m scared that I will fail my classes. This limits me from my goals in life. Fear to fail has driven me to the place with my back against the wall. I don’t have any choice, but to walk forward in life. Smile through the dark days and keep my goals in site and on my mind as some people say. The only way to get failure out of my mind is to face it head on. No more letting failure control my life. I’m putting things in God hands and keeping a positive outlook on life, keeping a high energy and walking out of failure line. Time has come to keep myself motivated and push myself closer to my dreams and goals. I’m doing things I said I would never do I’m doing it, I’m keep this up and the next thing I know I’m ask myself what is failure I don’t know, it’s nothing to me. Only thing in my mind is been successful at my goals and dreams, putting that check on my long term goals. No more failure for me.

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