My Obsession with Barack Obama

My Obsession with Barack Obama

My Obsession with Barack Obama
On August 28, 1963, Dr Martin Luther King Jr. said, “It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment.” And 45 years later the 'urgency of now' could not be more evident. The current state of our nation urges us to evaluate this phrase and take action! We have an economy that is in TROUBLE...I mean I am not an expert on the economy but it takes no rocket scientist to realize that we got it bad, I mean REALLY BAD. There is potentially $700 billion of tax payer money that is going to have to bail out Wall Street. I understand that this plan is a NECESSARY EVIL, however I WANT EVERYONE TO UNDERSTAND way before this issue on Wall Street "Main Street" has been taking the blows of the failed leadership of this country. Main Street has been feeling it in gas prices, job loss, foreclosure etc. In light of these issues the prices of living is continuously increasing, why then is it only one candidate with economic policy for the people and not big corporations?

This election is probably THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION OF OUR LIFETIME! Not only because of the economy, but because the next president could potentially be in office for 8 years and in that time there is an estimated 3 chief justices that will retire from the supreme court (these are the people who have the final say so on the laws of this land). Their replacements are hand picked by the president. Right now it’s about and even split of the 9 justices 4 to the left of center, 4 to the right and one wildcard. This means that we the people will be feeling the effects of this election for years to come, even after the president has completed his term(s), because these justices are in the Supreme Court FOR LIFE. The next party to take of has the potential of becoming majority in the Supreme Court.

The opposition likes to bring up the issue of experience, well George W Bush had executive experience before he was president, 8 years and 1 devastating war later,...

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