

December 9, 2014
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Chronicles of Narnia is a series of books where the author, C.S. Lewis, explains and creates a story based on the biblical worldview. Lewis replicates the beauty and nature of our world, and the loving care of its creator and God in his Narnain world. There he offers us a view on the nature of God, the nature of our world, the cause of evil and suffering, and the meaning of history.
The character of Aslan is God and creator of Narnia. He is the King, Lord of The Wood, and Son of the Emperor across the Sea. Aslan is the Great Lion. He comes and goes when He pleases. In “The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe”, the children see him as a proud and dangerous lion, and fear him greatly. Yet, he is kind, gentle and loving. He comes to save Edmund from the evil queen, willingly offering His life on the stone table. He represents the Christ figure of our world. Also like Christ, He is resurrected by a Deeper Magic, of which the queen was unaware. In “The Horse and His Boy”, Aslan is omnipresent, walking beside Shasta along the cliff to guide him and keep him out of harms way. He also leads and guides Shasta and Bre on their way to Narnia
The nature of the Narnian world is beautiful and created very good, much like our own. In “The Magician’s Nephew’, we learn the evil queen, Jadis, enters into Narnia when Digory and Polly jump into another world and attempt to leave the Queen behind to suffer in the Middle Realm. Unfortunately the queen finds a way to follow them, where she is determined to rule over Narnia. It was never part of Aslan’s original plan and despite the evil that entered it; the beauty of Narnia still exists, although marred.
The cause of evil and suffering is man’s turning against Aslan’s original good creation. When the evil queen enters into Narnia, evil slowly invades Aslan’s beautiful and perfect world. In “The...