Natural struggle for existence and social struggle for existence. Are they similar or different?

Natural struggle for existence and social struggle for existence. Are they similar or different?

Natural struggle for existence and social struggle for existence. Are they similar or different?
Charles Darwin, a British scientist and naturalist that changed the way of the whole science, made a huge research and wrote very influential scientific books according to his researches. He made a 5-year long trip to discover the new worlds and to conduct his research on Natural Selection and The origins of species. Being influenced by the theory of Thomas Malthus, which says that human increase in geometrical ration should sometimes stop or delay, for if it would not be so, then there would not be enough space for all human and other living species. Nearly at the same time, Alfred Wallace, another British naturalist was doing the same research about the natural selection and the struggle for existence among species. By their research both of the scientists showed us the grandeur of the life, how it is complicated and at the same time was great. Darwin was mostly writing about the struggle for existence between species of animals. But, nowadays, we can see that there is also another type of struggle – social struggle which occurs among people. Natural struggle for existence and the social struggle for existence in many ways are similar; however they have some differences, too.
The survival of the fittest is applied to Natural selection, and this also can be applied to humans’ society, too. The word ’nature’ itself denotes the sum of phenomenal world, of that which has been, and is, and will be; and society is a part of nature. It is considered as distinct from nature. But what makes human distinct from animals and others is – ethics, moral and intellect. By ethics we are considered to be citizens – part of the civilized society. What does phrase ‘struggle for existence’ mean itself? In my opinion, it means the survival of the fittest, species’ trying to survive and exist and, at the same time, leave progeny.
We all know how the natural struggle for...

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