Noi; Ugytfghbjn

Noi; Ugytfghbjn

Stereo Types
Have you ever been placed into a group or stereo types? Maybe one people are more understandable of, such as "Oh, they’re just kids being kids!" or "Teenagers being teenagers", but maybe it's a group that isn't so normal like others. Well like anyone else, I have been classified into many groups myself. The stereo types I'm going to discuss are my Native American roots/heritage, how art has always been a gigantic part of my life, and how I'm classified as a gauged girl. I am part of many, many more stereo types along with thousands... millions of other people, these are the three most important stereo types revolving around my life lately. Yes, some individuals may judge me negatively because of the groups I've developed into due to certain reasons, either being my heritage, my looks, or my personality, but I will never let other's negative opinion's shape who I am today. I am and will always remain proud of being part of these three stereo types, no matter what the cost of it might be.
Starting off with being almost 48% Creek Native American, thanks to my biological father's side. Who I've never really known, never even knew much about my father's side of family but I did always hear about my heritage and how much (%) I am.

Being extremely grateful to be part of my heritage and tribe, taking a great amount of pride with the Creek tribe and my ancestors. I'm many different cultures but this being the one I'm most proud of. So proud I am dedicating my first permanent inking (tattoo) to my Creek tribe, with a Native American woman/warrior wearing a bear, a vicious one, on her head as a hood. I'm so excited, nervous, anxious, scared, all wrapped together into one emotion but I'm up for it and ready! Scheduled on the twenty-fifth of this month (September 2013) and after that there is no turning back. So that being a major part of my life, I felt it necessary to include on this essay.
Another big part of my life is art, being classified as an...