

I tried to write a pseudocode for a variety of gaming consoles and the price for them including a discounted rate (a percent off) with a coupon offered that day.

Main module
Declare ItemName As String
Declare OrginalPrice As Float
Declare DiscountRate As Float
Declare Tax As Float
Declare SalePrice As Float
Declare TotalPrice As Float
Write “This program computes the total price, including tax, of”
Write “gaming consoles sold at a discounted rate (dollar off amount) with coupon.”
Call Input Data module
Call Perform Calculations module
Call Output Results mode
End Program

Input Data module
Write “What gaming console would you like?”
Input ItemName
Write “What is its price and the percentage that was discounted?”
Input OriginalPrice
Input DiscountRate
Perform Calculations module
Declare AmountSaved as Float
Set AmountSaved = OriginalPrice * (DiscountRate/ 100)
Set SalePice = OriginalPrice – AmountSaved
Set Tax = SalePrice * .085
Set TotalPrice = SalePrice + Tax
Output Results module
Write “The Gaming Console is: “ + ItemName
Write “Presale price was: “ + OriginalPrice
Write “Percentage Discount was: “ + DiscountRate + “%”
Write “Sale price: “+SalePrice
Write “Sales tax: “ + Tax
Write “Total: $” + TotalPrice

tried to write a pseudocode for sandwiches and the price for them including a discounted rate (dollar amount off) with a coupon offered that day.

Main module
Declare ItemName As String
Declare OrginalPrice As Float
Declare DollarAmount As Float
Declare Tax As Float
Declare SalePrice As Float
Declare TotalPrice As Float
Write “This program computes the total price, including tax, of”
Write “sandwiches sold at a discounted rate (dollar off amount) with coupon.”
Call Input Data module
Call Perform Calculations module
Call Output Results mode
End Program

Input Data module
Write “What sandwich would you like?”
Input ItemName
Write “What is its price and the amount...

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