

Organization for a soldier is important on and off the battlefield. If a soldier cannot or does not stay organized in his home, tan he does not maintain the skills and habit of keeping things organized. On deployment, a soldier must keep things organized so that he can keep track of his S.I. more easily, and so if someone else is required to find something in the soldiers personal equipment, it can be located quickly and easily.
Having a unclean and disorganized home promotes further inactivity and lack of motivation. If your home is dirty, it can only be assumed that you are also dirty. If you live in filth, it can also lead to sickness that can prevent you from crucial training in the future. And having a clean living environment can have other positive effects. More motivation to accomplish certain tasks, less stress of knowing your house is dirty and must make the time to clean it, provides more time to take care of yourself making the rest of your day easier, and builds good habits in staying clean and organized in other parts of your life as well.
Staying organized in your home makes daily life much easier as well. It takes less time and effort to find things that you need. Running out of something important towards daily life will never creep up on you. And again, helps you build a life long habit of keeping things organized in your place of work and in your personal life.
The image built by people when they see I you are clean and organized as opposed to messy and chaotic are significant on both spectrums. When someone, whether it be a peer, or supervisor, gets the opportunity to see your personal living quarters, they will immediately make judgments about that person whether they think they are or not.
If someone walks into a room and see a mess, clothes everywhere, trash, general lack of cleanliness. They’ll begin to assume that most of all, trust is not something you can handle. If you cant keep your own room clean, who’s to say you can handle...