

Blaise Pascal
Blaise Pascal is a famous mathematician famously known for his works involving the ideas speculating around geometry, probability and discovering new properties of the Arithmetical triangle and solving problems using it. Pascal was born June 19, 1623 in Clermont France to his parents Etienne and Antoinette. His mother died when he was three years old and his father moved Pascal and his siblings to Davidson France where he believed the schools systems were not well so he took it upon himself to educate Blaise and his siblings. Blaise’s father was a mathematician himself yet refused to teach Blaise any math because he believed math was such a strong subject that he would devote himself to it and forget about his other subjects, which ended up happening anyway. Pascal took it upon himself to start learning about math because he had so many questions about it and he started to invest his time into questioning aspects of math. At the age of twelve, he was drawing geometric figures on the floor of his playroom and he discovered, on his own, the fact that the interior angles of a triangle add up to the sum of two right angles. His father walked in on him doing this and realized how smart his son actually was and bought him Euclid's Elements. After many years of a hard worked and eventful life Pascal became ill in 1661, and died a year later in August to an unknown disease.
Pascal is most known for his discovery of what is now known as the Pascal Triangle which is mainly used for two things. The first thing being in Probability, where it can be used to find combination and the second being used for algebra when making charts of raising something to certain powers; the entries in Pascal's Triangle are called the binomial coefficients. An example of Pascal’s triangle in probability would be in this triangle:
(x+1)^1 = 1 + x...