

Polybius was born to a land owning and politically active family at megalopolis is Greece. I think he was one of the thousand Greeks taken hostage in 167bc after the battle of pine and deported to Rome, where he was befriended by the Rome general and statesman. He wrote a lot of books about history Mediterranean world.
There was a one time the whole world fell under the rule of one power that is Rome, an event which is absolutely with out parallel in earlier history if u see in private life if you wish to pass judgment on the character of good or of bad men, you would not assuming that your opinion is to be subjected to a genuine test, examine their action only at periods of unclouded tranquility, by rather of conspicuous success or failure. In the beginning of Rome was ruled by kings, the last of whom was over thrown some time around 500bc. In republican government that was establish to replace them, the authority of king was assigned to a pair of elected officials called consuls,. The most important part of republican government was the senate originally a counsel of elder.
The city of Rome and Italy continued to be governed by the consuls by the senate, until late in the second century when that were placed under the jurisdiction of two officials with closer ties to the emperor the armbands prefect whose authority extended miles from Rome and the prefect of praetorian Guard, who administrator the rest of Italy. Rome also had a kind of police force and fire department which was made up of freedom by the prefect of equestrian rank. The emperor themselves were expected to make politics decision. Polybius presents and idealized view of the practice of republican government, which he portrays as an effective system of checks and balances. In practice ordinary Romans had little influence on politics decisions. They also have power to inflict punishment when on active service upon anyone under their command and authority to spend any sum they think fit...