Program Design

Program Design

Program Design - 013954
Assessment Task 1: 1500 - 2000 word essay

This essay will compare and contrast two of the many models of program development in Adult Education. The two models chosen are the ‘Objective Model’ developed by R. W. Tyler (1902-1994) and the Human Resource (HRM) / Competency Based Training (CBT) model. In addition, the essay will consider the application of the CBT model in the learning context of Business Administration, with the intention of critically evaluating why the model would be applicable.

Competency Based Training (CBT) comes under the umbrella of the ‘Human Resource Development Model’. CBT was introduced into Australia in the late 80’s based on the Tyler model but with certain differences. It is now the recognised training method for workplace training. Tyler’s ‘Objective Model’ has been around since 1949. His model was designed for the school system and although Tyler’s model is somewhat dated, Sork & Newman (2004, p. 86) assert that Tyler’s ideas are still current and being utilised by several other models. The disadvantage of Tyler’s model is that it is mechanistic and quite rigid. Tyler locks his model into predefined objectives and is more focused on the organisation rather than the learner. Most notably there is no focus on social issues. On the other hand considerable attention is given to maximising the value of previous knowledge and experience in the CBT model and most importantly, the training is focused on the learner and their needs.
In Reich’s table (2007), the CBT model’s underlying philosophy is behaviourist with humanist elements. These humanist elements are appropriate to the Business Administration section as it underpins a holistic and developmental approach. The CBT model values input from the learner whereas Tyler’s model assumes that students learn in a linear step by step process. Eisner cited in Brookfield (1985, p.27) asks “How do you measure a Beethoven quartet in precise, unambiguous...

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