

Psychodynamic Approach Survey
Leadership and Motivation

Psychodynamic Approach Survey
After completing the Psychodynamic Approach Survey, I scored high in the following areas: Introvert (I), Intuitor (N), Thinker (T), and Perceiver (P). According to Northouse, INTP’s are Conceptual, Analytical, Critical, and this would be an accurate description of my personality type (Northouse, 2012).
Introvert: This is a fairly accurate description of me; though I enjoy public speaking and being around a group of people, I tend to need time and space to be alone so I may recharge. I tend to spend time walking alone to recharge.
iNtuitor: I am skilled at solving and trouble-shooting problems and discovering what facts can help create a conclusion. In general, I am not concerned on the details as much as I am optimistic with the outcome. I have the ability to visualize a conclusion and create an idea for others who are more detail oriented to work on.
Thinker: Many times while in meetings, I will stay relatively silent until I have something important to say or respond to. I have a tendency to analyze what others are saying in order to formulate an idea or plan based on the given information. I want to be accurate in my decision.
Perceiver: Though I wish to be accurate in my decision-making, I also tend to be spontaneous on my projects and am adaptable when things do not go as planned. If I make a definitive plan to accomplish a project, I am flexible enough to understand that it may need to change or “morph” in the process. My wife is just the opposite in respect to his option and many times gets frustrated when things do not go as planned.
I am strategic planner and thinker who do not try to reinvent the wheel, but tries to make it better. After spending hours in meetings or working with customers, I enjoy spending time walking alone thinking, watching people or listening to audio books. Overall, I would say I agree...

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