The main points I have learnt from this task are:
INCLUSION: The identity of every learner must be valued and help given to overcome learning barriers they may have. The needs of the learner must be identified and referral information given to help overcome these. For example if there are financial/travel issues or extra learning support required the learner would be referred to the Learner Support Service within the College where they would be able to offer help and guidance to insure that the learner felt they were being included within the group. At no time should any learner feel they are being excluded in any way for any reason.
EQUILITY: Every learner should have access to the course regardless of gender, race, age, religion or disability. To ensure that no learner is disadvantaged or discriminated against enrolment forms, group discussions, assessments and Individual Learning Plans should be used. The learning environment should be somewhere that everyone is treated as individuals, equals and with respect. An example of equality would listening and considering everyone’s views and encouraging others to do the same, also giving my own considered view with reasons. Including everyone in the debates, considering carefully who I might ask a question in open for (I don’t want to humiliate someone who is struggling).
DIVERSITY: The methods used to teach a subject should take into account every students learning abilities and learning preferences. The environment should be adapted to promote diversity within the group. For example, tables could be moved to relate to the activity so that learners as various levels sit together. Everyone is different and learns at a different pace and this should be respected. Lesson plans should be written to offer diversity within the teaching using various activities, such as theory, group work, practical activities or inviting guest speakers in to talk to the group to give a more diverse approach.
How I could...