Quote of the week

Quote of the week

I have chosen the Chinese proverb, “He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.” This an old Chinese proverb I found interesting, and decided to use it as I use it frequently in my personal life although I do say mine a bit different, “The only dumb question is on that is not asked.” It is just shows people that if a person does not ask
questions then they might as well be a fool. People who ask questions learn more than the people who just sit back and do not ask. If you don't know something, it is better to ask about it and look stupid for a minute, then to not ask about it. Because if you don't ask about it, you will never know what that something is about. Asking questions allows you to gain knowledge, while those that do not ask will remain none the wiser.

I think this quote means that it is better to ask a question which could show your ignorance on a subject but leave you smarter and more knowledgeable for gaining the answer, rather than never asking the question and trying to learn more, therefore remaining ignorant forever. When you begin to ask questions, you will gather information to assist you in getting the answers to your questions.

Whatever you might need to transform your life, you can set the direction by asking questions. All your queries arise from your purpose to find solutions. The answer could mean a beginning to an adventure or your creativity. At times, you or someone else behave in a certain way that you do not understand. By probing you direct your mind to gather the reasons that support or justify the problem or issue. You will discover values, beliefs and perceptions that have appalled you and stunted your progress in your personal growth and relationships. The information that you gather can help you settle and end any issues that have annoyed you.

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