Race and Your Community

Race and Your Community

Teacher: Diana Roberts Week of : July 22-26
Subject ESY/ Peterson Elem. Summer 2013 Population: MR & Autisum

| | | | | | |Accommodations |
|DAY/DATE |Daily Schedule |CONCEPT/SKILL/ DEVELOPMENT/APPLICATION |Math Skills |English ,Writing Skills |Behavioral |for At Needs |
| | | |Procedures & skill |and Procedures |Skills |Students |
| | | | SW: match quantity to number |.SW demonstrate improved |SW: respond t classroom |Hand over hand:|
| |7:00-7:30 Breakfast |Objective : SW continue to become familiar with new |symbols 1-7 demonstrating knowledge|writing by using a pencil |directions, line up, stand |Pencil grip |
| |7:30-8:00 Gross motor skills |environment, learn class rules and routines |of quantity and symbol correlation |grasp to trace upper case |up, when given directives |5-min rest |
| |8:00-8:30 audio stories | | |letters A-I of the |by the teacher |stops between |
| |8:30 -9:00 computer skills | |Procedure |alphabet. | |activities. |
|MONDAY |9:00-10:00 art/motor skills...

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