Ref 680

Ref 680

  • Submitted By: escarbrough
  • Date Submitted: 02/18/2009 12:30 PM
  • Category: English
  • Words: 1024
  • Page: 5
  • Views: 319


National Legislation: Collaboration between Regular and Special Educators
Elizabeth K. Scarbrough
REF 680, The University of Southern Mississippi
Dr. Anne Sylvest

National Legislation has initiated significant changes in education over the past few years. These changes have had a profound impact on teaching and learning. In years past general education and special education teachers taught in separate classrooms without concern for collaboration for students with disabilities (Ripley, 1997). The current trend is to place all students, including those with mild to moderate disabilities in the general education classroom with support services. The Individuals With Disabilities Act (IDEA), No Child Left Behind (NCLB), and other legislation have all increased accountability standards, mandated that teachers be highly qualified and prepared to meet the needs of all students, and to be able to collaborate with each other to ensure that all students receive an appropriate education within the general education setting (Wright & Wright, 2004).
One piece of legislation that has brought about change is The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965. It describes federal requirements for the nation’s public schools (NEA, 2008). The ESEA also made provisions for educating low-income students. It provided funding (Title I) for things such as pre-school programs, after-school programs, compensatory programs, technology, and teacher recruitment and training. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act is revised every five to seven years (The Education Trust, 2008).
Another piece of legislation that has been instrumental in bringing about significant changes in education is Public Law 94-142 which is also known as The Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA). This piece of legislation ensured that all children with disabilities would...

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