Research Methods on Experimental Sociology

Research Methods on Experimental Sociology

  • Submitted By: joantaf
  • Date Submitted: 01/03/2010 1:10 PM
  • Category: Psychology
  • Words: 515
  • Page: 3
  • Views: 829

| |
|Method |Purpose |Strengths |Weaknesses |Provide an example |
|Experimental |Manipulating Variables. |Researcher influences the|Limited on what is being |Used in sociology and |
| |Testing one effect at a |outcome |tested. |psychology |
| |time. | | | |
|Descriptive |To identify the cause of |Gain information from all|Lack of reliability |Surveys, Case studies, |
| |something that is |members of sample | |documentary analyses |
| |happening. | | | |
|Correlational |Discover relationship |Considerable amounts of |Cannot tell us why an |Case studies |
| |between two or more |data is collected, thus |event is occuring | |
| |variables |the result is drawn from | | |
| | |a wide field. | | |
|Biological |Create a copy of some |Most effective type of |Cannot be used for |Drug Testing |
| |biological entry |research method used in |testing other that | |
| | |the scientific field |scientific processes. | |

Experimental vs Descriptive Research
In Experimental Research the researcher has the ability to manipulate various variables...

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