Revolutionary War

Revolutionary War

The Revolutionary war was fought for several reasons mostly caused by the actions of the British starting at about 1763 until the onset of the war in 1776. The Declaration of Independence in July 1776 was catalyzed by three mistakes made by the British. The Proclamation of 1763 closed the frontier to colonial expansion but the Stamp Act in 1765 reopened the west. Colonists rioted and boycotted and in 1765 the act was repealed. The second mistake began with the Townshend duties. Townsend duties included the Tea Act and the instillation of British soldier in Boston. Once again the colonists rebelled and all Townshend duties aside from the Tea Act were recalled. During the third period of error citizens protested to the British installments occupying Boston and the Tea Act. This rioting and discontent resulted in events such as the Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea Party. Because of colonial rebellion the British then put the Intolerable Acts into effect which led to the declaration of independence in 1776.

In 1783 after the Revolutionary War ended with the Peace of Paris both domestic and foreign changes came about. However the revolution had its effect mainly domestically because it impacted not only political but all areas of the colonial way of life. In the political aspect many revisions occurred that mainly involved the state governments. The colonists were freed from British rule but they didn’t have a sturdy central government because the revolution fought to resist it. Republican idealism emerged and the notion in which an individual state concentrated on its own affairs as independent republic instead of as a national unit. The original political communities that relied on charters were dismantled by the british so it was necessary for the colonists to form a government.

In the new government they utilized constitutions to instill a form of rightful authority. In the constitutions most of the power was granted to in the legislature because...

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